الثلاثاء، 28 يوليو 2015

The Duchess Of Small Things

Nocturne ,Number 1 ,Opus 9

I remember the scent of the very first woman that held me
Her sighs were perfumed with boundless affection ,and the Toab thrown on her warm shoulder smelt like a mix of Acacia and baby powder
I remember the grin on my dad's obscure face when he held me tight as I got my ears pierced
And I remember him teaching me how to read when I was four
Singing in a melodic voice while tracing the vague letters
"Hal Tamorro Be Daeqaten Maleyaten Ya Joha~" (Do you need to borrow money, Joha ?)
I remember the smell of Sesame candy mom used to make when we were home alone
How it burnt my fingers when i'd sneak to taste one before lunch
I remember how I felt tenderness slowly seeping through the pores of my heart replacing the stains of resentment towards my new born sister
When she extended her hands from her crib with a smile drooling innocence and trust
I remember how we assembled a kite and flew it together, when she got a bit older
She , barely supporting our treasure and I
Running barefoot on the path that became now a school driveway
I remember when i would wait for the bakery guy with missing front teeth coming after prayer bearing the wonders from Sugar Land
When it used to rain for a week at length and the low field in our hood would fill to the brim we could sail on a rubber boat to reach for the candy shop around the corner
I remember when I struggled to keep my balance on a bicycle to the fading rhythm of my father's cheers
Thinking that he was pushing me the whole time, as i pressed further
I remember the exhilaration of triumph that diverted me from looking back to see if he was there
He wasn't
I remember how I met my very first friend while standing in row for Art class
How my two Arabic teachers would argue on where I should situate the circle of the letter "م" Above or under the line
I remember when i stood in awe facing a grand book shelf for the first time, and my dad walking over and handing me Flowers For Mrs Harris
I remember when i received my first flower
And my first crush on an older classmate
My first attempt at cooking and the miserably ruined pan that mom didn't throw away
I remember when I found God
And when i was told that I was "destined for great things"
How I looked for my parents in a sea of hundreds in a standing ovation
When I got my first excellence certification
I remember The Bachelorettes Karak nights at the dorms and the scrawny dinners
Sitting ,knee-bent ,on a rug because we were too broke to buy a dining set
The beach talks in warm nights, laying on the soft grains, light in color and weight like our dreams
And hearts
I remember when i was first called beautiful by a stranger
And when i thought that I found my lost soul mate
The first time i got my heart broken, and the first time I felt utterly lost in the turbulent blue of despair when I vehemently attempted to swim against the flow
But started to drown
And deeper
Looking at that savior straw bobbing beneath the glow of the sun
I remember the chill of throe in my heart when i was still ablaze and alive
As I vividly remember the first time when I realized how strong I really was
How I could handle any blow with grace, how my mother's lap was my safe haven
And the warm ,warm smile on her face
Was my true savior

When I look back, I see a life well-spent already

I see diamonds scattered in the skies of my memory
Glittering blisters of joy people dust under the rug because they are too old to be worn
But I gathered my precious stones and shall keep them close to my heart
When I look back, it doesn't matter what lies ahead anymore
See, they might be small, the blocks we are made of

But they are what makes us whole

الجمعة، 24 يوليو 2015

The Duchess Of Small Things II

Ever wondered why , for the life of you
Were you blessed with a wide-eyed consciousness
That never misses the faintest traces of a detail?
Knowing too much is never a bliss
And I sure don't remember asking for this
It is so exhausting
To lose yourself before a grand painting
To submit your grasp to the sensual gropes of feels
Or catch the swift bob of the dress of a lie, passing through someone's eyes
Baring your own skin while peeping at someone else's insecurities
Daring them to shame you the way you shamed them in your mind
It is so consuming
To be an expert in translating the language of uncertain lips
Being a receptive person that assigns a meaning to every corporal link
And learns the hidden volumes recited by unheedful blinks
Devoting solicitous metaphors to the living
And gladsome hallows to the dead
It is so alluring
Yet so abhorring
To be so utterly conscious of your grave disparity
It sows the seeds of vanity in your heart
Already plowed by the sheer enmity of self-acceptance
And the undying need to blend in