الجمعة، 28 ديسمبر 2018

A Farewell To Arms

I tried to pump all the air
I could breath out into the lips of
This dying bond
But I can't run away from the naked
Realization of your neglect when
There was nothing to be gained in return,
perhaps I was the only one thinking that
There are platonic loves that could
Conquer the trials of separation and
The tides of adulthood
Perhaps I try too hard and it's better
To let things die out when it's time
I didn't want to let you go but
I love myself too much to watch her
Break her heart into crumbs for
Alms, not every beggar is a pauper

Farewell, kindred spirit
That was the last time.

الأحد، 23 ديسمبر 2018

The Joke

When enough time has 
Passed, even blue flames
Die out eventually 
In a while we forget the 
Smell of smoke, its fading gray
Mixed with the mist of 
The world we know, see
Time is that delinquent 
Friend that drags love 
Into trouble after midnight
And returns home alone
At daybreak
We always tend to rely on
Redress being ready in its
Uniform at all times
For the calling of pine 
But wait long enough, my child, and 
There will be nothing left 
To save
Pride devours the remaining
Crumbs of Ardor, sits
With a bloated belly in a dark corner
While time chuckles as it
Lights a cigarette.

الجمعة، 14 ديسمبر 2018

Letter to Solanine 0

"What a coward", I said
"You drew a circle
Around yourself in the sand and
Swore a solemn oath to never
Transgress :
This is where I'll keep
My sorrows.

You said you'd gladly be the
Coward at the shore than the bald
Sailor that jumps into the storm
"One lives but once", you said, "and
I can spend that life in the warmth
Of my home."
"One lives forever, if he pleases", I replied
"Or one could be dead already,

So what of it ?"

So what if I'm dead?

I stopped painting the sea and now
I pour rainbows and my world has gone
Mad, in a quiet way, it's been
A while since I've felt too much of
I've shown you my darkest corners
And you never flinched, I
Did not plan this far, stranger, and
Now I stand bare on your
Pedestal, how did we end up here?

My little deer, you don't understand
The danger you've just invited to sit on
Your lap, this right here is not
Boldness, it is not a love for life
It is not a brighter outlook from the
Balcony of a sublime thinking, I
Jump head first because i want
To go young.
I'm a Coward numbed by the
Human condition and adrenaline.
I'm Penelope's shroud, my love,
I come undone when
No one is looking.
I wake up with tears that i
Don't remember being shed.
I pine for a man that pretends
To be dead, and
I don't want to settle for the role of
His coffin.