الأربعاء، 26 يونيو 2019


In a fleeting moment of
Unprecedented bravery, I
Plunged into the abyss with the
Blind faith of a child,
Eons have passed, perhaps
Lifetimes, and
She spat me back onto the world
Maimed with vindication , and nothing
To my name but some glimpses of
Even she has
Rejected me, alas.
I can't hold a brush anymore, I
Only spill colors like I spill my shame
In your arms, love,
Do not tell me to be strong, it
Feels like a bedtime story
With a bland cover and the same old
I know all that, I know
That night is followed by dawn and
Things will fall into order in
Due time, patience is gold
One needs to be bold in the face
Of peril, etc etc

Sometimes you just need a moment
To stretch your limbs in a
Shroud of sadness
The world owes you that much
Doesn't it ?
I broke out of the shell and
Wrecked my home along
I get to grieve.

السبت، 15 يونيو 2019



When the nights get longer
And the moon is too weary to
Smile, I learn that what we nurse
Under these pillows as we whisper
Our vigil away
Is a malady : perhaps what
You thought was burning desire was
Just the affable stupor of
Being understood.
My sweet boy, the most
Laughable of loves are the ones
Stuffed into cracked hearts
In hopes of mending them whole.

الخميس، 6 يونيو 2019


A tsunami of sand, and
Wrath that does not
Swallows bullets and
Spews the shells along
With every broken dirge
Forgive us, Lord, we
Can't find the newborn
Moon, and the earth is
Satiated with the blood
Of the doves
Blood too thick to
Merge with the waters
Blood too hot it stung
The Nile and made it
Blood that won't dry before