الأربعاء، 6 مايو 2015

Que Sera, Sera

It might come off as weird from a 23 years old
But allow me to be as bold as to squeeze
Out my wisdom
Friends, i've come to realize that life
Is too short to stay up a bit later just to prepare
Your fit for tomorrow morning
Imagine missing out on a good dream
Just to fold and iron
Life is too short to expend the money you earned
For your time and sweat
On a plain shirt ,branded with a stranger's name
And life is too short to work late
You might get paid
But money can't buy back the time your job stole from you
Life is too short to shuffle your priorities because of a random person
Forcing their way into the equation
It's way too short to leave your comfort zone
To let someone else comfortably replace you
And to seek acceptance from kids that need to accept themselves first
Life is too short to try and change a beau
It's not your job to do the matching
It's still too short to settle for less
Because being bae-less and free is still better than lamenting
The magical encounters you may have missed out on
And life, dear Batushka
Life is too short to miss the blessing in disguise
Because you were busy recounting how fate has been unkind to you
To try and swim against the flow
When you can surrender and enjoy the drench
To fight battles that aren't worth winning
Balance the bounty to a sack of your blood and it shall always seem too low
It is yet too short to withhold your giggles in a meeting
To withhold sarcasm; that stuff chokes you
To argue with an obtuse thinker
And try to sugar lace someone else's view
So you could take it in with your coffee
My word, it is shorter than you think ,
To spend it exchanging blames for the darkness around
You may not have a candle
But a talk under the moon is worth a thousand calls

It's too short for white lies and fake compliments

Someone else's insecurities aren't your project

And it's too short, ladies and gents,
To keep tracks of the total count of emojis in your texts
To abandon the mic because you so horribly lisp
To be afraid of unplanned adventures
Of smiling at a stranger
Of getting too close to the cage of a raging tigress
Of free-falling, when you know you are splashing into a pool
It's too short to do anything unnecessary, in fact
To submit an assignment early
Cheat on a test and implore forgiveness for being late
To try and untangle a tight knot in your lace
To wash an enduring spot on yesterday's plate
To check if they are still lurking behind the door
You just closed
Too short to try and fix things you can't fix
Just because you feel guilty for breaking them.

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