الأحد، 29 ديسمبر 2013

Nocturne, Opus 9, no.2

A poet can't speak of love, with the most zealous and passionate phrases, if they haven't experienced it before.
That's what I think. And that's what makes me cringe when I read a love poem made of cheesy metaphors and empty descriptions.
Romantic feelings are sacred, they don't just come to us when we set down, pen in hand, ready to elicit verses of passion.
That's why, batushka, I have no respect for a poet or a writer that feigns feelings; it's an insult to all the real romantics out there...Not that I fully grasp what it means to be in love myself-the real sentiment, the possessive ,mad, woeful kind of love, despite experiencing romance once upon a time..which is why Chopin's Nocturne drives me to tears every time I listen to it.
There is something special about it...I always feel that it summarizes a love story... a sweet ,delightful love story from the time of Shakespeare.

Although I don't claim to be a poet, for I never wrote about love before....maybe because I refuse to be possessed by something as wicked and manipulative as Kitsch, or maybe because "we can never establish with certainty what part of our relations with others is the result of our emotions - love, antipathy, charity, or malice- and what part is predetermined by the constant power play among individuals", and hence we never know the difference between true love and caprices ...caprices don't give birth to poems, my dear batushka.

Perhaps I would finally be able to describe love beautifully if i do fall in love again ..some day...but until then, the Bohemian in me that wakes up with the first droplets of rain every year, shall resume her slumber until next November.

الأحد، 22 ديسمبر 2013

For You In Full Blossom II

To my one and only friend, to my eternal enemy.

It was summer of 2006. You probably wouldn't remember since many years has passed since then, but i perfectly do, because it was one of these moments one faces once or twice in their life time that causes a hurricane in their heart. That's how it felt to the 14 years old me.

You said, while we were making the beds, "Why do you look so miserable when no one is paying attention ? it's like you have two personalities and you switch to the cheerful one when you are around people."

What you said threw me off-balance I couldn't say any thing for a while..
I heard the crashing sound of glass somewhere..and the sound of strained strings snapping inside of me one after another :
Tuk. Tuk.Tuk
I was caught off-guard.
I felt utter confusion ..."what are you saying, silly ? pfft ", is what I wanted to say, but a grip of betrayal started clutching at my neck, slowly making it harder to breath...

My whole world fell crumbling upon me...

Why did you have to say that ? Why did you notice ? And why didn't you say anything before, choosing this peaceful moment of childish innocence to reveal to me that I've been seen through, all this time.
I lied to myself for years, telling myself that i can be normal, i can be if i pretend to be happy, if i practiced smiling until i perfect it, if i become a joker that mocks life and mocks sadness and sad people.
I thought I was coming closer to my perfect lie...but you had to ruin everything by one single ingenious comment on a lovely day in June.
I failed.

I knew deep down that you were the only person that perfectly understood me in this entire world, and because of that i knew also that we can't be friends for too long...

Didn't you notice how the slumber parties ceased ? How I never show up when you are leaving to the airport ? How I only stay for an hour or so when you come back ? We stopped being close because we became too close..

You bring back all my insecurities to the surface, you remind me of my litost, you see right through me, you peel the layers under which i've hid myself for years, one by one, until there is no where to hide, you take off my theatrical masks and break them, you corner me, standing akimbo, with a sly, yet comforting smile on your face.
There is no way to run to.
I feel naked in front of you.

But then you look me in a way that says "I understand, it is okay to show your real feelings when we are alone together, you don't need to pretend".

You might read this letter one day out of curiosity, and realize that it is addressed to you. Well, i made no effort to make this letter ambiguous in any way, because I want you to know how much you mean to me, and how much you changed me. I keep saying that I'm not that person anymore.

But I just couldn't bring myself to answer your question after all these years. I'm deeply sorry that I left your life so suddenly.

I love you.

السبت، 21 ديسمبر 2013

El Baronessa Rampante

Once upon a time, there was a little girl
She was walking through a prolific forest
And her thoughts were a whirl
She had no purpose for the day
Just walking about,
Greeting squirrels and nodding at jays 
Hopping between the branches, 
Boasting in furry vestures, being merry and gay
Their tails bent in elegant twirls
"These fellas got it all figured out",she thought
"Just fancy, how splendid it would be 
To choose your own tree, give it a name
And make it your home
Ascend above feuds and bigotry
And rule your own land,
Like an earl"
She stumbled upon a lofty pine
Adorned with a beautiful gnarl 
Up she climbed, and seated herself in glee
"This branch shall become my throne",she said
And then she, proud ,and free 
Named herself a Baroness
On a tree.

*Italo Calvino

الثلاثاء، 17 ديسمبر 2013


I'm a lump of contradictions

I hide my real face behind =truths that take the form of deceit
Yet I long for a person that sees through all my masks
I'm sympathetic, I'd cry when you cry
But not when you die, part of it is because I scorn hypocrisy
Rigid as a mountain, while I say "Al Baraka feekom"
I seek love, but I kill its seeds before they sprout in my heart
I run away company, but I'm scared of being left alone
I like my space intact, but I yearn for a breath of fresh air when I'm indoors
I see through people, I'd like to believe that
Eyes articulate the words clearer, but I don't even know myself that well
I can't catch myself on a lie
I indulge in self-laceration, but at times I adore my very shadow
I'm my best friend, and my worst bully
I'm a lump of contradictions
One thinks that the long years
And the quiet retreats of reveries would unravel all mysteries
I shift faces more than I shift my moods
Perhaps, it wasn't that I had many faces I assumed at leisure,
Sir Milan, it's true, that I didn't know which face to wear for the day
As I looked into the mirror, mine was cracked in half.