السبت، 13 سبتمبر 2014

Ties of Compassion VII: Gymnopédie No.1

She was looking into the void absently, as if in a lucid dream, or an engulfing nightmare,
one wing crushed under the heavy tires, and the other flapping wanly,while the car was slowly moving back, pulping her sides, vindictively, like a harmful pest that needs to be annihilated.

Though a few minutes ago,she was a healthy creature,alive,taking shelter from the heat under a car with a welcoming shadow.She had a life,she had a purpose,she might have had little ones waiting for her at the nest to come back, little angels that would rally around her in a gay babble.

i fancied i could hear the sound of her bones, snapping like salt crackers at an afternoon tea table. Every bone that was crushed, crushed something in me, something at the back of my skull,plowed by the root the little sprouts of sympathy that grew on the plain of my heart, the way you would pluck weed, ..I could hear them;

tuk. tuk.tutuk.

I couldn't look away; the scene was so sublime, in slow-motion,magnifique in its cruelty,and awakening in its fatality :

The sun,slaying the earth with its rays
The world, oblivious and busy
I,watching in helplessness...and a slight strike of awe.

Her face portrayed surrender and submission, as if she was waiting for everything to end,so she could fly to her freedom, depart from this life,light and cleansed, her mind at ease, and her soul untroubled.

Was she beholding her life flashing before her ?

I didn't know what was more mortifying, watching this pure being slowly and horridly die in pain, or knowing that there was absolutely nothing i could do. That i , if it was possible to leave my place and run at full speed to where she was, had managed to stop the car by frantically banging at its windows , and succeeded in pulling the wretched thing from below that monster, broken, half-dead, but half-alive, I'm certain that I would've immediately regretted it; forcing the poor little thing to live in pain when she could have left in peace.

There were no bells tolling, not a moment of silence in grievance. She left quietly ,like a spring breeze ,unseen, cool in its passage..just like that. Nobody else noticed, not even the one who killed her,and her body was left in the out for the sun rays to pat on and for the wind to caress.

They still ting; her silent screams, distant ,but clear in my memories, and her fixed gaze towards the horizon.

Why couldn't I look away ?

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