الجمعة، 25 نوفمبر 2016

Tick Tock

Being impatient was never a vice,
As you elegantly described it
Its obvious symptoms, they don't betray a malady
An excess of loving never traps a person
That was the point all along
And a quickness at running
Becomes of help when it's to keep safe
What hasn't broken yet
Never heeding advice, and giving liberty
To the corporal expressions of my limbs
Unleashing the hounds of my speech
At leisure
Indulgence in my passing caprices
A ridiculous obsession with mending
What could never be whole
Then taking my time at recess
Letting the ship go under
Taking a deep breath and delving
Into turmoil
Head first

Cutting short all the cords of my ticking bombs
Beautiful explosions of reason

I wonder,if forgetting is the true salvation out of this labyrinth
Of faces, and names
Of convictions, and feelings
If forgiving is our sole deliverance, after all
People never really change
It takes years to make them do
Years one doesn't have
You would be cruel to think
That what I am is primitive
For what I've become is a rebound

We are
Running out of time, aren't we ?

Ever since inception.

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