الاثنين، 23 يناير 2017

Amor Fati

"Everything is possible
But nothing is absolute
We pick our truths like we reject our lies
By utter convenience
And a truth is only so
Because it was laying around for the loot

Your delusion
Could verily be someone else's creed

Isn't that beautiful ?

All these possibilities and all one ever needs
Is to have enough sense to pick what best to believe in."

She kept quiet for a while

"You know, I had a dream", she finally muttered
Looking sideways, lips pursed as if her words barely got the permission
To leave
Took out a pencil and drew on the napkin
What she thought was a revelation
Krutoi would've smiled at that scene
I haven't looked at her face in full view
Since we met
She sparkled, under that fluorescent light
Beneath an orange painting

"I'm looking for a man whose face I couldn't see
But was told he was my fated person
And I shall find him walking down this street
Where three buildings of the same front looked down on a garden
At the time it finally rains in K city
I heard it rained there, yesternight, you know

It's stupid, but I wonder
I wonder if I would find him there. Right now."

She had on her this bashful smile
Like all the hopes she could ever harbor
Have taken abode in the shadows itched in her laughter lines
Like she has waited all her life
For this moment ,yet stopped an inch before
Fumbling around for a safe landing

I sipped on my coke and said "Let's go."
"Let's go nudge your fated lover into awakening.
He must know
Who you are."
And she looked at me, wide-eyed like a child's first moment
Beneath the light
Even I was surprised, that I didn't burst out laughing yet

"Disbelief in nothing.", isn't it ?

Somehow, deep down, I hoped that God would send a stranger
That would restore the children of faith that has wandered away
From this woman's heart, at old age
Perhaps I was just bored, unusually nostalgic for the grand and mysterious
Have read too many a line of Kazansakis, and grew loose in picking
My sport

I didn't know her last name, and she didn't know mine

And on that evening
We wandered together down an alien street
In an alien country
Looking for an alien apparition she saw in a dream
Yet swore that she would recognize 
That she would make a gift of her future to his present

And there was not a single ounce of doubt in the soundness of this blind faith
In the scope of fortuity

The night was young 
And there was no one else walking down that street as we strolled about

We both kept quiet for a long, long while
Cold breeze brushed our cheeks

"Thank you

"For coming with me.", she whispered, her face fading into the blooming darkness

"Perhaps it was all to bring me here, get disappointed
Only to find my answer as I turned back where I came from.
That is my truth."

There was nothing to say back, strangely

When did I become so superstitious?, I wonder

This time my inner voice wasn't indulging in satire
While chewing on gum
It was as quiet deep within my soul as that street
Perhaps because I knew all along
Thought the same : Every road leads to some end
When it leads to a mute wall then it must've been the journey

I wanted to come here
I wanted to be here
Stand back to watch as she embraced the truth of all truths :
In every direction, God has lain down an infinity of branches
And has given us the freedom, all the freedom in this world
To pick our path
To indulge in not knowing
And that gleam
Oh, that blaze of all constellations falling into place
That flickers in one's eyes as they realize the truth of all truths ,at last

Is why I spill my heart to strangers I would never meet again.


On that same night we walked arm in arm into the house of wonders

The Jennie at the door of the back room said in an undertone
When I habitually tried to cajole my way in

"We are going to quarrel if you say that again."

I knew by instinct that I shouldn't lie to this man

He knows
Who I am

See, there exists in this world a certain breed
With fuming storms in their chests
Bullets loaded into their tongues
Oil for vigor in their veins that spill out
And burn when they bleed

It was there and then that I realized my truth

I was looking all along for a person
With such beautiful flames in their eyes
A man with a passion so strong
It only dies
With the warmth in their guts

I didn't know his name either

Oh but I found a little piece of the sun left out
In this house of beautiful, beautiful things
Chambers within chambers, and the Jennie
He stood there in guard like an Archangel
Fending for everything dear, letting only the naked of feint
And the austere of splendor pass through these doors into his personal heaven
"Your cause is a noble one", I told the blonde descendant of the Tsar
And though I don't believe that fate is written in stars, I knew that our fates
Would've strove to intertwine, had we met in another time
And we spoke for hours and hours without pretense
Three strangers of three colors, and one raison d'etre
Marauders of life's boons of little blessings
Hidden in strange places

Tonight I've met my fated person, but he wasn't mine in this life

And it filled my heart to the brim, this joy of just stumbling upon him
Deep in this infinite ocean of possibilities
Despite the whimsicality of my choices

Fate, indeed, works in a strange fashion.

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