الثلاثاء، 25 سبتمبر 2018

Pine in The Flower Garden

I wonder why we never take the hints carefully
Hidden beneath the wings of sad jokes and
Within dry laughter lines
We are quick to brush the little crumbs of revelation under
The rug of negligence
It's easier that way, isn't it
Denial costs none
I face a hard time myself trying to define the blurry line between
Jest and innuendo 
I wonder if I've been crying for help just to amuse myself when I 
Was the one that jumped into the rabbit hole 
Perhaps I'm still falling.
Perhaps I hit the bottom and am
Already dead, been seeking in
Strangers and dire straits, what makes my
Heart beat once again, for a little bit

Oblivion tastes so sweet, I wonder 
Who would ever want to wake up willingly 
Madness prevails in a world where 
Everyone feels everything 

Isn't consciousness the heaviest
Burden of all?

الجمعة، 14 سبتمبر 2018

What a strange concept, intimacy
So irrelevant of time
You may have just met but
Could still chat while sipping on hot chocolate like
You've been married for 30 years and all your
Kids were shipped away into the open sea of life
Musing on so many memories that you
Didn't create yet
You may not meet often but you
Could still pick up the thread where it fell off
Waste little time on regrets and blames
You may have known each other for years yet
Still feel so lonely

الأربعاء، 5 سبتمبر 2018

If you thought that my loneliness
Would push me back into your vortex,
Beloved, you are still a stranger to my
See, loneliness was my first friend,
It was always the elephant in the room
Sitting straight between us
Wryly munching on the silence.

السبت، 1 سبتمبر 2018

Chorus of Rust

You said that I am too cruel,
Cutting ties like I'd chop a bad stem
Proffering connections and then opting out
On a whim, I smell an accusation here
It's not for sport that I get entangled during
My idle walks, dear
There must be some grand idea behind
This apparent nonchalance, but surely
Satire is the easiest way out
Questions of consequence burden me so
I run.

Hey, isn't life just like a painting you cannot buy ?
For all the money in the world
A beautiful, beautiful cluster of mistakes
Covered and intended
You could admire it as long as you want
On that wall
You can even stall your leave till the end
Of the night, but you shall go home, eventually
Forget about it when
You wake up
One day
And it wouldn't matter.