الثلاثاء، 23 يونيو 2015

Butterflies And Hurricanes

Hope is a beautiful flower
Indeed, but talking about hope and beauty have been exhausted
They took more than their fair share of poetry, so instead I'm going to talk about 
For, don't you realize how absurd it is to describe the moon as "luminous"
Forgetting about its hidden side which its morbid existence we nullified
Because it's a sour to our gracious eyes
Such a typical human thing to do, to disguise what we don't want to notice
With a mask of fairness
We don't realize that our excess adoration to one face
Is the root of our rejection to its opposite
But what if we allow the Yings and Yangs of life
To live under the same roof
Feed them equal portions of one's heed
So they don't have to fight for space and provisions ?
What if we love them like we'd love our own
And we all live happily ever after ?

Light and darkness
Goodness and evil
Love and hatred
Hope and despair
Bravery and fear
Harmony and Chaos
These ultimate opposites keep swinging in cycles of attraction and repulsion
Giving birth to a cyclone of anarchy trapped in a small shell

Many a times I wake up to find myself at the center of such a storm
Which I have no recollection of penetrating
Resting in a bubble of order, floating in the obscurity of disorder
Beholding serenity within turmoil
The only source of illumination is a narrow gap looking at heaven
And I'm dancing Waltz with my thoughts
When the world is kicking Kurobushka

I am too small, and this is too overwhelming

My little self is trembling in terror behind I and me
Yet my knees are shaking in excitement before the storm
Don't we all think that they look majestic from afar ?
They induce a shrill of awe so we don't dare to step closer

But when you can't run away from rage; perhaps the safest place is its belly

And I'm here, trapped in this seething stanza of contradictions
That I can't steer towards any known direction
An emaciated Ulysses that didn't expect all this destruction
To be born from the flaps of her wings
Already weakened and torn by the constant wringing
In lamentation of her sheer insignificance
But I want you to come hither, sir
Come closer, and look into my eyes
Can you see mayhem banging at the interior of my iris
Trying to escape ?

I find this concealed madness
Terribly beautiful

Then I blink for a split-second and I'm out of the storm
Back in my room
I look ahead and see hanging on the wall a crude statement made of Aluminium
Observing thespianly that "Chaos Is Beauty"
It was my 23rd birthday gift to myself; a tradition I started years back
Making my own gifts; though I don't quite understand what point I was trying to convey
Bending these wires to my will, hurting my fingers in the process
As if i was trying to define "Mien Kampf" using familiar vocabulary
Trying desperately to twist my fate to fit into a traceable shape
Ignoring my mentor, linking his brows whenever he passed while I was struggling
Grunting under his nose that his line of work allows him to see all sorts of incongruities
But I doubt that he knew what I was talking about
Esteemed Sir,

What is chaos ? What is order ? What is ugliness ? What is beauty?

Define contradictions

Who said ugliness cannot be beautiful ?
And who said excess beauty does not touch on the borders of ugliness ?
All I know, is that I closed my eyes again
Hoping to go back into that whirling prison
Seeking my lost answers that I forgot to claim
And thought of the one thing that I wanted to hear
The one echo of an echo that got lost amid the noise of life
The most genuine gift I could ever give to myself
Right when I was standing at the threshold of my youth
Looking ahead, before the monster of reality 
And this string of metaphors kept ringing in my ears

Being a walking lump of chaos is fine
Being a raucous storm trapped in a jar is fine
Being a vest full of scars is fine
Being sad and broken , disarmed and shaken right before the grand battle
Is fine

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