الثلاثاء، 24 مايو 2016

Zeno's Conscience

This is a collaboration. I withheld the name of the co-poet out of courtesy.
Because it was more of a private conversation.

"I see you in your tower, made of wet cement
Right on the edge of the beach that meets the ocean 
And you laugh at waves that crash into you as though 

They're not breaking you down"

Your broken giggles are only solaced by soft frowns
As you peer through the dusty bars,
High above where you could whisper to the stars at night
"Are they trying to reach through, loud children of the vast blue ?

Or do they wish to bring upon my fall?"

"And in your arrogance you spill yourself like oil upon the oceans 
And light yourself aflame
You rage as the oceans underneath you wave indifferently
And the fires you set make your blood boil
The grinding of your teeth like a train screeching to a halt
The world that you leer over, the waves that break you down, all completely indifferent to your turmoil
You look to the stars again assuming that they too are concerned about your angst
And this time you shout
'These armies of the endless cyan
They seem to march hand in hand 
They demand of me what I cannot grant 
That their simple ways I understand' "

"Must be nice"

She thinks, as she lays on flimsy sheets painted indigo
Her remains burnt ashen, the last of her embers fusing with the main
And the waves chanting in one breath a soothing lullaby to kill off what's left of the arson

"Must be really nice, to be colorless"

"With such ease, this infinite bulk of transparent things
Would woo and appease , absorb the light as it feasts on the darkness"
"Lo, the infinite sky, the infinite blue
Rhymed so well,
Except for the vortex that lays in between,
That is I"

"But her I was naught but distraught 
Brought about by her inability to see, 
That what she looked down upon from her tower 
Was what set the oceans 

Looking at heaven from her place atop the ocean
Swaying in motion, so mesmerized and hooked
She forgot her arid scorn and so-valid condescension
And opened her eyes,
She truly saw, for once
One could draw a line so they could better define the far horizon
But the infinite, the nought,
What lays in between

They, in parallel, traveled
The boundaries unraveled

The further one looked.

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