الثلاثاء، 10 مايو 2016

House Of Cards

Faith in another being, is so hard to restore, once it crumbles
Like a house of cards, so majestic as it soars
Yet a mere flick to its feet and the whole construction
Would fall into shambles
There is no coming back from there
What took years to grow constant, could disappear in an instant 
See, between a pair, it is only fair to ignore vicious stunts
If one is to enjoy the bless of harmony
With time, it could be done, and with a bit of patience
Forgiveness, though, doesn't come along with forgetfulness 
You could forgive the deed, too trivial to disturb your conscience on sleepless nights
You could move beyond a spar, but could never forget that the intention
To inflict a scar, so foul and sable, shall always linger
A ghost
With a shadow
Sitting at the furthest seat across the table
How is it that you never learn, building sheds in your heart from branches and shreds
To so "accommodate" people
Praying to God as you rip your chest open, to allow in the wind of benevolence
With tears at the brink of your valleys that your little town of paper doesn't burn
Upon catching a spark of incited rage
Burn to ashes
And turn to dust
How is it that you still look at your reflection with doubts in your heart 
Fumbling about your limbs to find fault with your own
How the notion of "trust"
You've grown into guileless idylls from Utopia
Perhaps such a trifling fray shouldn't have sat you apart, you say
And perhaps you are just being human, so habitually prone to error and folly 
Though you think, in this duo, you've got the greater share of virtue
It is God that forgives all, it's true
And bits of His clemency were placed within the holly 
So it seems, there shall always remain an Albatross of guilt hanging from your throat
No matter how hurtful ,the seam on your neck
And baneful, the garrote
But how is it that you are still so haunted by your past losses

Your flaws and short comings, magnified
The morbid echoes within the chambers of your mind,
Confused and amplified
That you never thought
You had the right to walk away ?

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