الجمعة، 27 مايو 2016


Corazon Espenado

I'm utterly drenched in shame when I recall
How contemptuously I handle the maladies of the soul
It shows on my remarks, my phlegm and indifference 
As I pat their shoulders, while quoting my reference

"The world has 7.4 billion humans" 
And he's just one a*shole, so buckle up, woman

But my words of rebuke, all borrowed from the books
They never assuage, I could tell from their looks
They gnaw at their hearts, so left in the open
Draw out the rage of the bereft and broken

"Aren't you so cautious to make
The calamitous mistake 
Of forfeiting your all ?"

I just think it's opaque
To fall head over heels
Well, I'm sorry that I do
You gotta admit
That it is all true; to fall, in essence
For the gist is to kneel
And I'm sorry that I can't
Understand how you feel
That I think it is just too troublesome a deal
This infinite loop of repulsion and zeal
10 seconds of bless then 10 seconds to Mars
Where y'all begin to hass and fling with the stars
All the frays and malaise
The bight and the chase, what a farce, i'd say
How love is such a haze
Lo, if it crushes your lungs
Sits your heart ablaze, as it evidently does
Perhaps it's not meant to be
And not worth all the buzz

"You will die alone, surrounded by old cats"

Perhaps I verily will, my friend, forlorn 
But it is not I that cries and still moans 

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