السبت، 2 يوليو 2016

To Vulcan

Love is blind, they wrote in ancient scripts
They erred: you wouldn't think that one doesn't see
The blemishes on their lover's face
We absorb it all into our dilated pupils
And revel in self laceration
Love, my dear, is the hunger of a dying man
A swelling desire to become whole
Because we were told that we were missing pieces 
Of our souls
One dies alone, see , laughable loves and boons all left behind
And love of all kinds, oh it grows from the same seed
Some blossom and kindle fires in the dark
Some branch too far for the roots to handle
And the most wretched pods, they dismantle and fall, regretted
And passe
So you can love me
Adore me, beyond reason
And this virgin heart of yours I'll bind and defile
It wouldn't matter in the great scheme of things
Just another experiment
I'll teach you how to trace the shapes of cities on pale walls
Fall into a trance observing your own face and dance with shadows cast by a dying candle
How to read poems lain by the reflections of stars on the bay during warm nights
How to see colored flames blazing from strangers, while we sip on chamomile during cold afternoons
Let you listen to all the good songs that I've found
The tunes you wouldn't hear around per se, but upon my word they
Could make you weep while smiling
And how to paste your thoughts on the ceiling for keeps sake while you rest on your pillow
Which corner is best to hide your love letters for the next lodger to find
I'll inscribe on your palms the names of all the purple flowers,
How certain words hidden in the hearts of dictionaries have magical powers
What's hidden in the missing chapters from Dostoyevsky's books
How to turn a single verse of Fitzgerald's into a grandiose painting
Let the terse notes they left between the lines brush against your skin
Melting wills of dying men that drip on your face as you raise their legacies
To a height on your wall
Gaze upon it with the eyes of your soul
I'll tell you how to talk to lone clouds that reflect the light

And how to fix people
By holding them tight

So love me, Aizen
Till your heart twists and swells it develops a sore, in sweet pain
And then love me some more, like my own is your mortal illness
And still, your remedy
Love me, child
I'll take your sweaty hands
Lead you astray from your past self
Turn you to another relic on my dusty shelf
Make you delve head on in lucid dreaming and false certainty
And then leave you
Right there
Because how could you possibly dare
To rub your brazen humanness on my face
All these pungent feelings you offer with such grace
Your vulnerable soul, heinously left in the open
The reek of your loving lines, so carelessly laden
Your bulging resoluteness, my defenses it weakens
Confound your disarming bareness, how you have it in your bones
To love so strongly to the point of weakness
To aspire so beautifully to the point of ugliness
Yet not in the least desire the drunkenness of love returned
Of your lips getting burned meeting the ones you yearn for

How is it that a human is more entrapping than a mire ?

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