الخميس، 15 فبراير 2018



أعلم ما جال بخاطرك عندما أطلت النظر في هذا الاتجاه عبر الظلمة
"رب صدفة خير من ألف ميعاد"
 قدمتُ إلى هذا المكان صدفة
التقت أعيننا صدفة
اتخذت مجلساُ عندما بدأتَ بالإزهار تحت ضوء النجوم
لملمت أطرافي وهممت راحلة عندما نفضتَ
بقية قطر الندى من على صدغيك
لا تنظر باتجاهي بينما تصارع البدر على تألقه
كأن المكان امسى فارغاً من كل ظل
سوى ظلينا
ليس من شيء مصيري في هذا المشهد
على ما يبدو انك رحالة تبحث عن الصدف ذات المغزى
تشابكت خيوط رؤيتك بحذاء رحالة أخرى
تتوجس أي البساتين أبهى زهوراً
و ترحل مع أواخر الصيف، بعد لم تقطف أي تذكار
ما معنى أن تعثر على الوردة التي تشتهي
إن كانت ستفنى على مزهرية تتقي وهج الشمس
جارة لجدار شاحب
لا تنظر إلي كأن لقائنا فاتحة لذلك الكتاب المكسو بالغبار
في رف تركته إلى بعد حين
الصدف لا معنى لها

لذلك أسميناها صدفاً.

الأحد، 11 فبراير 2018

The Woman That Was Afraid


In cold nights she sleeps with her back facing the wall
She knew
The crawlers of the dark like to chew on tender marrows
And her bent spine 
The safe of her heaviness 
And mellow reveries 
Was her weakest post
"Tonight she lies tucked away in her own darkness
The longing she carries stained the bed
As the weight of her emptiness rested heavy 
On her chest
She's wide awake
Wet with longing
Capable of every thing but sleep"
Seems the lord of slumber has sent an apostle 
Rested by her head 
Made a nest of her pillow side
She never dared to look
Her moribund terrors were awaken
He said in a sneer 
"Surrender to my claws 
All it is that you fear."

"New ones awaken
Fear of what could happen
If she surrenders her fears, 
And more fear of what will happened
If she disobeys

"What prayer shall I recite now 
To get out of here? 
What will now become of me?"

She asked an earthquake of questions troubling her bed"

"I'm not afraid at all", 
She uttered
The owl started to pick on her ear 
Basely plucked a few strands of her hair 
She shrunk
"At the darkest hour", her words spilled like cold water 
"A whisperer calls when I'm about to fall
Tried to look in vain for the source 
Searched every nook in my brain 
It was a voice deep within my soul"
"I'm ready to die but death won't come
And life is here but I can't go
My soul is leg in, leg out
My breath isn't an exhale it's escaping my lungs
I'm wrapped in nothingness
I'm drunk on hollowness"
I'm afraid of things I can't name or touch.
Yet can't blame them for none of this chaos
Are they tremors of ecstasy or clutches of terror 
That shook the pillars of this feeble being 
Into an endless state of vigil
Is it the hunger for living 
Or the pine the resided within my core
 That calls in the still of the night 

Am I Afraid to die ?

Or am I still even more 

Afraid to live ?

الخميس، 1 فبراير 2018


It must be my fate
Being drawn to men cut of the same mold
So unfair, aren't we
Running around carrying the hearts
We learnt to snatch out of habit
Survival instincts
In a world made of sticks and card boards
Words are nothing but smoke
So I trained my eyes to speak along with
My parted lips
You served truths and lies whipped so well
That one had to watch you closely
Before they could tell
And I never meant to peek too far
It's just the way that I am
Turning stones that sat funny
And I never meant to daunt you
Peer behind screens and cracked doors
Upon your unclad skin
I took to my feet
When you turned my way
And ever since then you have been ashamed
And it was never the same
I ran away
And you never moved

I came back because I couldn't escape

Aren't you tired ?

Because I am
How many years it has been
Since I was smitten
There was light as much as there
Was murk emanating
From the depths of your skin
And you glowed
In the dark
Like a third sun
Aren't you tired of being afraid?
Hiding behind metaphors
Pretty words breathed into the crisp air
Of the night
To woo a pretty woman
You thought you didn't deserve
Aren't you tired of coming up with lie
After lie
To hide a shy truth
Ache crawling beneath your skin
Eating you up from within
When you had all
But the relish of your youth
Aren't you tired of wronging the words ?
Sacrificing ballads at the altar of
Self gratification
Because I am
We chose to hide our flaws and the beautiful
Birth marks of our souls

Don't break the rules

The sun and the moon
Could never be together
Chasing one another
And although with the sweetness of warmth
They both quiver and shrink
There is envy and a billow of bitterness
Left in their trails
And they could never share a kiss, alas !
Lest the world plunges into obscurity
An eclipse of eternal predilection
We are both made of water
And yet afraid to swim
Someone once wrote that the sea is black
And it just reflects the sky
But how could you absorb the light
And reflect it just the same
So well
Being made colorless
While making the world colorful ?