الاثنين، 29 فبراير 2016

7:31 pm

I believe the most powerful force capable of transforming the human nature is the seizure of utter rage following a slam of indignation.

Rage, knows no limits to what it is capable of pushing us into. And knows no friends.

All the fears one could conquer, all the mountains one could jeer at, all the principles one could trash with a sneer, all the lengths one could cross seem too short in the conquest of proving a point that
They have an equal right to dignity
Just as well.

7:35 pm

Easy, life. One shot at my poetic belief in a perfect Utopia at a time.


Perhaps it would all get better if I go inside for a while.


Perhaps it's Lev Nikolaevich's affectation that woke me up from my vivid dreams to an inescapable nightmare. It wasn't a donkey's bray that did, though, it was a car's anti-theft alarm going off at 2:00 am in a tremulous winter night when the moon covered its face in shame

For humanity.

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