الاثنين، 22 فبراير 2016

Paralysis by Analysis

Definition : "Where the need for additional information is used as an excuse 
To avoid or postpone the adoption of a decision.
[HSE Regulations in Nuclear Power Plants, IEEE]

Sometimes a single scientific term can describe your
State of mind better than a thousand meek metaphors
I stumble upon the weirdest realizations while I'm
Supposed to be doing something else, entirely
This white noise in my head
Is an infinity of frequencies, colliding and merging,
Squeezing their way through the filters of my stoic state of mind

I knew that being thoughtful was my prime quality,
Until it became my vice

Long roads at dusk, where the sun goes home and the lights are still asleep
They scare me outta my wits
And yet I never slow down
You know it's a straight path, you know how to reach home,
You still remember where you came from,
You know that it's only a 1000 leagues where you could only see ahead
And nothing else
And you've been across this labyrinth of nothingness
More than you could keep counts,

But it still terrifies you. Every single time

Because you don't have the option of stopping midway and curl like an infant
Until the world blossoms from the darkness again. 

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