الجمعة، 9 ديسمبر 2016

I'll omit the chain of events that led to this moment :
I ran out into the night
It was dark and no other soul was to be found
In that calm desert
Sand was cold between my toes
I could only see ahead as far 
As my headlights could illuminate
She looked helpless, all her tires stuck 
Between heaps of soft mush
Smoke was oozing out
The city lights were glowing in the distance
Flickering candles on a flat cake
"This was a bad idea"
I thought

But I was laughing to myself like a madman

I ran out into the night
And with every step my feet grew heavier
Sinking in a swamp
The wind blew colder on my dry cheeks
I turned around
In vain, I searched for the way I came from
Tracks disappeared, crossed each other teasingly
My footprints faded
Hills multiplied, I could swear there were
A few moons even
And my engine whined from the distance
An old beast, licking its wounds
And all directions felt the same
Where I came from
And where I'm going
Quietness reigned
Even my car disappeared
And I, alone, giggled
In the darkness
"How about that for a pickle?"
"You have an odd sense of humor"
"It's the time to freak out now, 
Isn't it, Atticus ?"
"Indeed it is"
"Then why am I not despairing ?"
"It's just too familiar"
"Almost comical, eh?"
"But what if you die here ?"
"I won't"
"I know, but what if you die here tonight
And no one knew?"
"Knew what ?"
"How this feels, right now?"

Darkness ahead
Darkness behind
Darkness above
Darkness beyond
Darkness within
Darkness without
Darkness was so kind after all
And for the first time
I was living a metaphor
In reality

I ran out into the night
Barefoot, roaring with laughter
I was lost
I was cold
I was alone
I was exhausted, terribly so
I was scared

But I never felt more alive
In my entire life.

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