الأربعاء، 18 نوفمبر 2015

Soliloquy II

When you say that i'm not supposed to forget when i'm young and careless 

You don't know that I lull myself to oblivion just to get some rest

By a puddle somewhere in the realm of my mind, I stood and flung three stones
The tangled web of surges reaching to my feet didn't look like the waves they've been
But I could still tell their origins by the graces of habit
They whispered in different tones, what i knew by heart already

I've read somewhere that you could only make it
If you manage to block all the distractions trying to invade your wake
All but the one call that drives you to where you need to be
Arguably, i'm going to say that need to be, and want to be aren't always the same
But that is gonna have to wait for another time
I used to be able to do that when I was younger, listen to the lucid hymn within
In moments of extended peace I'd mute the world and have a conversation
With the echos inside my soul
So vivid and gleeful an interaction, when the biggest of my worries was a homework

And tomorrow didn't matter until it came

But lately, it has been ...so noisy
Everywhere, but inside my head mainly
It steals my sleep away; and my alertness during the day

Lots of voices colliding and mixing
Sinking and re-emerging to the surface of my grasp
Continual exposure to this self-inflicted angst is bad for the health so I tried
Talking to living folks loudly just to shush the ones in my head
And for a day or two they did
They would go away and leave me to regain my wits
But come back again, louder and clearer deep in the night
Working to keep me awake ,and feeble enough, so they could prevail
Thinking that I'm that frail
They vehemently drill through my brain during the gleam of the day, while I dwell in melancholy
I know they are getting close to the core of my sanity for
I often hear a piercing buzz of a broken mic
So vicious, the sneers I perceive as my foes strike a gong somewhere

Then stillness reigns

What is happening to me ?

What is happening to me ?

Psst, stop trying to do good
You ain't good
I merely do so to be remembered
Nobody cares
You need to smash more
Burn things ; REBEL !
Why ?
Thou don't dare, do you ?
You worry. A lot
I have to
Get along !
Did ya know that worrywarts die young
And so very miserable
More importantly, alone
Those who seize the moment.
Are trapped in a Mobius loop.
Of nonsensicality .
See it's all nonsense
It feels good to be trivial though
Ding dong : Reality check.
Life is a battle.
Then I'm unarmed.
No, life is a bottle.
And she's a Jinni.
You need to get out victorious .
No she needs to break free.
I want to be free.
It's not worth the trouble, believe me.
Stop denying it.
What ?
You are crazy about him.
He found him while drilling around here
Well camouflaged 
Don't stray off the subject.
Fine. Remind me,

What was clawing at your heart ?

I don't know.

They keep leaving, don't they
With little pieces of you
And you just realized it,
Didn't you?

You are next.

I know.
Never forget.
I won't.
Your pronounced insignificance.
Why are you still trying ?
Your bones will turn to dust as soon
And you messed up so bad.
They got real mad this time.
Good for nothing.
Walking disappointment. 
I'm not.
You need to stop f*cking shit up.
I'm trying
Cluster of failure.
Let me be
It feels great to let go
Of pain ?
Of your reason.
Sleazy ruffian
Let go.
It's been hurting your palms isn't it ?
And slipping is so easy.
So easy.
Just let go.
Lose control.
Run rogue , they all do.

You are a beautiful soul.

Your vanity is legit.
You think you deserve this.
Love thyself and all, child.
My carcass.
I love myself though.
He is in love with you too.
He is mad about you
Yet you torment him so
No, he can't be. 
Because he never said it out loud ? 
You are more evil than i raised you to be
But right ? how dare he ?
He could't have handled you anyway.
Oh, look, you messed up again.
Hahaha you won't ever make it out there
You ain't as smart.
It ain't about smarts.
And you will die alone.
It's not a competition.
But it is. Against your weakness.

Why do you feel the need to prove a point to someone?

I don't.

To whom, do you need to prove that point though?
No one.
Come, to whom ?
No one.
To whom ?

He won't ever acknowledge you.

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