الخميس، 10 مارس 2016

On Vicious Truths

The transition from the usual candid expression on your face to a twisted grimace
Caused a throbbing ache in my chest.

There aren't many things that I regret in this life; the things that I didn't repeat aloud are a few, 
But fewer are the verbal pests that I casually threw,
Their fewness is something of which I'm proud
Being so shrewd and wise to my extreme best.

But once or twice; I could clearly see it. I could read it in their eyes :

They could've done just fine
Without learning that one.

I knew beforehand that what I say comes 10 times affront because I say it ,careless and blunt,
And aim at the festering wound. with a precision so sedulous.
I'm a pragmatic doctor like that.
And I could see that you withheld your tongue for quite a time,
So I looked away because I knew your eyes would be shooting questions

That I didn't want to answer

You know me too well to believe that I meant ill
That I was merely trying to compel your eyes to meet those of a truth that you couldn't bear to find
When it was staring at you
When it was screaming at you,
With tears in its eyes

Won't you stop dancing with lies and acknowledge me

Perhaps the whispers of zealous love have ruined your ears

And I had nothing to lose but our bond if you happen to be so obtuse as to play the weak card of jealousy just to deny the facts that I was trying to shove down your throat
Though it sounds like I gloat of knowing better while I rebuke you, as If I'm trying to say that there are more wrongs
And terrors
In this world than such a..

Such a spec of dirt on a cracked mirror

Don't look so amazed at my brazen ways
I may cast a floodlight at your face, but my only intention was for you to see through the haze of your own denial

You said it's just a story to laugh at but I could see you were hurting
And I didn't want you to suffer
A pain that you didn't need
A pain of a kind too heavy for your shoulders
I could gladly take on the bulk of your revulsion, but I

I can't handle seeing your heart twist in pain on account of another person

Perhaps I easily notice things about you that you try to hide so hard
And I take the matters of fixing you into my hands
Pardon my nonchalant obtrusion ,I just care for you
Too much to let you
Fall apart

So here are some bare truths served without sugar

For now I will allude that he walked away
Because he only wanted your fortune to sway
That stealing your heart was a voracious prelude
And that I'm sorry for breaking it out to you thus
How you happened to waste your time on the wrong beau
You were just too flattered you thought it a destined encounter
You flew on wings of feather and you believed in earnest that you could never
Feel this way again with another
Because you think you are not lovable like that
Because you think you have too many a faults that inspire disgust at the thought
Faults that would halt and drive your potential lovers away
Faults that stop as a bouncer at the doors to your empire
There are things that one cannot say out loud
And the rest of this speech I won't regret swallowing
For I know the minute they part with my lips
I shall spend the rest my life wallowing in guilt

But If I was a man I would have loved you like that
Not despite of, but for all your flaws and your coy ingenuity
I would've wanted to stay, no matter how gay that sounds

Don't you ever let your hate for your flaws makes you think you don't deserve any better

Patience, one broken thing to fix at a time, darling

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