الثلاثاء، 5 أبريل 2016

On Lifeguards That Are Afraid Of Water

What do you think is the acceptable mode of behavior
When you see a close one falling 
To the abyss of rupture that you just managed to spin out of?

Should you pretend you never noticed because the world has too many a flaw to fix on your own?
Do you
Try to convince your troubled mind at night that you shouldn't care 
Because the thought of your fall wouldn't linger in their minds long
That thou wouldn't dare to plunge after the tips of their fingers, sinking
Because you are afraid of not getting out again
An emerging savior
Or a lone survivor 

You spent just way too long down there
To not remember how the depths of that pit horrendously pong
So do you set back utterly content ;try to console your nagging conscience by the enduring thought that you intend
To dangle your trembling hand to their aid when the time is fair
While you dwell in the comfort of safety, far above
Do you run along your way because they are fully capable and grown
They should know how to swim on their own
Or learn on the spot when push comes to shove

It's a savage world out of your bubble

And nobody gave you a hand at your first struggle

Stay, do you shed a tear as you stand akimbo
Cheering on them to rage and rampage against their love
Or fear
Of the viscid darkness 

You saw them slip as they wandered on, didn't you
Perhaps you saw them jump in despair when they blundered
And now they are calling
Not for a kind hauling, but for you to hop along in for a swim
And you are

You love them, true

But life has taught you to steer clear of slippery places
So you stop to stare, quietly, because it's the wisest move
They need a living witness of their marvelous break
A warm pat and a prosaic attempt to console
As they break out of that wretched hole
Though watching quietly is too severe and hurtful a life lesson
True, but it's slightly more thoughtful than squirting the classical jeer of

I told you so

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