السبت، 23 أبريل 2016

Healah Dancing

We'd make a great couple, they say
Fitting pieces of a marvelous puzzle
Designed by the hands of fate
This so-called attractive disparity they all plaudit ,and to which they compare
The known of tender sentiments between a pair
Such is the cause of my heart's grave aliment

To entice,
Compliment natures don't always partake
And pray, it's not you that I
Disdain, mon frere, I beg to explain
You would've been a perfect beau, I don't intend to feign
It's this morbid notion that I aim to shake
Planting the mention of destiny, when the chat swings towards the soulful vagaries
Repeating again and again that every viking lord has his sole valkyrie
It's true, I found home in your heart, warm, and your kind words, tender and calm
And you played too well the part of the knight in a shining armor

But you and I, my tender lover
You and I are akin to the two faces of the moon
Enamor, does the one discerned from afar among the dim light of the stars

But no songs have been written for the dark side, hidden

Have been hiding in your shadow
Storing handfuls of your glow inside the cracks of my being
Eating up your soul like a black widow
You have always been the bright one in this awkward duo
And I
Embrace the night, vast and alluring ,as you so propose
Yet too blunt and boring, I should suppose from your grunts and sighs
Our profound differences, to my unwonted nature, seem so abhorring
I say that I'm not made for this ,with a daft giggle
And you think my attempts at acting fickle are charming

You still won't understand
That I could lie to the world
And spare you

That these words, I'd still own if I'm ever to say yes
And I'd forever stand by your side as your faithful bride
Lay your heavy head on my lap as you weep and confide
Let your weight fall upon my shoulder when your limbs are meek
And you're feeling too weak to stride on your own

And for all I know I'd still call it love
Just not the type of love you seek

That when you call my name with such pliant grace
I'd stand petrified in my place
Vaguely retrace my steps when you start to crawl my way with open arms
Because ,truly

I'm just too afraid to fall

For, my precious jade of a kind lover, to fall
Is to fade

And I try to stand tall as I wield my blade
While in the dwelling of my safe shield I shudder, terribly so
At the thought of being dragged upon baring my flaws and insecurities
To the lows of shame and regret
Perhaps that's how you found me, eh

A black swan in a crowd of Egrets

Thou have mistaken my callous apathy for strength of will, and my
Unabated episodes of frets and anxieties
For anecdotes of promising thrill
Ignored my shaken joints and my trembling lip
Only reveled at my tightening grip on my sword as I
While coming to blows with
I can gather my own shreds, much obliged, sir
I only fear for your limbs to fail under the weight of my own bane
If you try to condole me yet
For my hefty tears to drill holes in your skin when you cajole me
Caress my temples and
Try to pluck, in vain
At the strings of this broken lute

But you,

Just love to fix things, don't you, Don Quixote ?

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