الأربعاء، 25 ديسمبر 2019


You can't capture me
You can't trick me
You can't fracture me
You can't wreck me
I emerge from the shadows
Wearing a mask
I flirt with the sun and
In its reign I bask
I'm a renegade : a river
Grown fish,
Sliding up the
Waterfall towards
The sea
My truths are laced with lies
You can't read my eyes
Every nonchalant confession
Is a wish.

الثلاثاء، 17 ديسمبر 2019

The Night Was Ours

"The night is ours."

Yes, I missed you, so much I woke up
With a pang of pain in my side, felt
Like watching the roses I got for my
Birthday quietly wither by the window side

I must have smothered them with water.

It is snowing outside and I'm yet again
Thinking of a man I used to know in a
City where I don't know anyone.

Are you, perhaps, thinking of me, at this hour
On a different cloud in this realm of somnolent
Wakefulness ?

I want to rewind to the moment we
Were just starting to take off each
Other's masks and we were too caught
Up in our hopefulness that we thought
We could handle the ugly underneath.

You thought you could contain me,
Drop after drop through the cracks
In the ceiling
Drop after drop I filled you up to
The brim and
Smothered you too,
Perhaps water is meant to flow and
Never to be kept.
When I turned my back on you, the
Flowers in my chest were dead
Long ago
Your last call was a knock on my door
Your apology was a tactful farewell
Carefully brushed, powdered
Lead on its eyes
Lowered down to the depths, slowly
Your apology didn't have much time
To lay out the words,
It was packing when it passed away.

Why are you like that ?

All I wanted was to have the night
For ourselves, whispering away our
Mutual loneliness, you shouldn't have
Stayed so still, letting me gather myself
Within you, until
You couldn't breath anymore,
You shouldn't have stood watching, as
This mess was too beautiful to untangle
You shouldn't be unmasking people, if you
Are going to run away from
The truth,

You fool, let me go
This is my last flower,
From me to you.

الأربعاء، 4 ديسمبر 2019



What is it called when
Someone fits in the spaces
Between your thoughts the
Way cement holds all the blocks
Together as it sits in
Between ?
Perhaps I was chasing after the sitting sun
With all its blinding glory
When the moon shined so kindly upon my face
Perhaps the key was never in finding
A person that mirrors your every flaw
If feels like sipping on poetry until
It flows and suffocates you
Bane if you jump, bane if you stood
We are nothing alike except that
Deep down we were both made of equal parts
Phoenix bones and mush
Someone liked to call this the law of attraction but
I'm a man of science and these are too casuistic for me to count on
I never know how well you adapt yourself to my absence I just love
How the songs I send you blend in with your playlist
When we cruise


Reigned over my world, brand new like a child's perception
My love, I'm not the type that
Declares their weaknesses, but
When you said that you wished to miss your flight
God knows I felt it in my bones
How much I missed you already
How wrong yet right it all felt, how reckless and
Natural it all seemed
I miss you still, And it scares me
That I woke up with this tingling need
Like a disease from the dark ages, strange
How I forget all this noise when I'm
With you,
I understand why they wrote that
Love could kill you
Why the firefly hurries to its grand
Death with
Such joy.


Do not try to bend me
To your will,
I only bow to
Lashe back,
I'm a bamboo palm, sad, still
While dancing
Empty and still from
The inside, chancing on
Moments of wake and echoing
Laughter of the soul,
Prone to breaking half way as
I sway to the rhythm of folk

السبت، 31 أغسطس 2019


I pine for who i was a
Year ago
Numb, in the wake of my new
Discovery of the non
Permanence of things.
Loss crept like a serpent in the
Grass, as I sat considering the
Lillies in the field, at peace
Post the turbulence of
You say I'm your Muse, but I
Don't think you quite understand
That what I am is a cluster of
Denial and vanity.
If you could only walk a few steps
In my shoes, you would know that
All my great feats were distractions
Gone too far,
And my less articulate thoughts are
More disturbing than fascinating:
Do not ask me what I'm thinking.
Don't know who i am
Anymore, I yell more than I
Weep, sometimes i can't stop.
And losing my rhythm, on top, is
More than i can bear to lose in
One sweep, but there is a slight
Sweetness in punching at a wall
That won't budge;
The sound of one's own knuckles cracking
Was the first poem.
Words out of Help books have
Kept this Jenga tower of epiphanies
Tall, but I've used them
All, trying to be a motherly figure to
You and a lover to myself.
And one of my ribs was
Stolen the last time i tried
To be brave and spoke what I
Truly wanted, now I hear the wind
Howling through my chest every
Time i take a deep breath before
Having to call you.
On the nights we don't talk I
Spend my wakeful hours teaching
Myself how to get
Over you.
By now i could do it on command ;
Detachment is my sleeping pill.
I hold nothing dear and no one,
You are another distraction, one
That is bold and persistent and i
Can't wait to lose you already
Because I'm tired of dreading it.
And i realized in my daze that
Getting over loss never made
Me stronger it just made me
More numb and now
That I'm numb no longer,
I have clutched at
Emptiness by the throat
It does not resist, it does not
Scratch, it does not
Scream, it just stares
Me in the eyes and I, for
The first time, am
Afraid of loneliness.

الثلاثاء، 23 يوليو 2019


My tongue gets petrified at odd times
Words steal each other's turn
And jumble on the way out,
My scarf is still wrinkled
I'm sorry i was late, I've been
He was carried away like
A broken trophy
Loss took the shape of a mountain range
Under that piece of cloth
On its trail a benevolent woman
Sowing grief into the snow, she said,
These walls are too white
It seemed that the whiteness
Desolved the color of death and acid
And the stifling smell of
The sound of glass breaking
Everything, breaking.

Do not lean on my
Shoulders i am
Than a castle of sand, do
Not hold my hands, they will
Crumble, after they've spread this
Woe to your bones, like a shudder
Through the branches of an old willow.
I'm sorry i was late, the snow
Has gotten this thick already
Footprints are punched
Deep, like finger holes in dough
I don't know where they are going
With him wrapped like that
Wails drown in the abundance of
Faces of strangers turn to bricks
Isn't it cold for his frail limbs? Hey,
Why are coffins so white ?

الأربعاء، 26 يونيو 2019


In a fleeting moment of
Unprecedented bravery, I
Plunged into the abyss with the
Blind faith of a child,
Eons have passed, perhaps
Lifetimes, and
She spat me back onto the world
Maimed with vindication , and nothing
To my name but some glimpses of
Even she has
Rejected me, alas.
I can't hold a brush anymore, I
Only spill colors like I spill my shame
In your arms, love,
Do not tell me to be strong, it
Feels like a bedtime story
With a bland cover and the same old
I know all that, I know
That night is followed by dawn and
Things will fall into order in
Due time, patience is gold
One needs to be bold in the face
Of peril, etc etc

Sometimes you just need a moment
To stretch your limbs in a
Shroud of sadness
The world owes you that much
Doesn't it ?
I broke out of the shell and
Wrecked my home along
I get to grieve.

السبت، 15 يونيو 2019



When the nights get longer
And the moon is too weary to
Smile, I learn that what we nurse
Under these pillows as we whisper
Our vigil away
Is a malady : perhaps what
You thought was burning desire was
Just the affable stupor of
Being understood.
My sweet boy, the most
Laughable of loves are the ones
Stuffed into cracked hearts
In hopes of mending them whole.

الخميس، 6 يونيو 2019


A tsunami of sand, and
Wrath that does not
Swallows bullets and
Spews the shells along
With every broken dirge
Forgive us, Lord, we
Can't find the newborn
Moon, and the earth is
Satiated with the blood
Of the doves
Blood too thick to
Merge with the waters
Blood too hot it stung
The Nile and made it
Blood that won't dry before

الثلاثاء، 7 مايو 2019

Letter to Solanine

Loving someone is so easy
Being in love is an exercise.
It's quite the sordid affair to be
Loved by an inarticulate man
You claim that actions speak loud but
Language was invented to woo
Women, my love.
The heart is a bag of blood and
The moon is just another stone that
Stole the light of the sun, pine shrinks
Into a chemical reaction and
Martyrdom in the name of
Love is just a loss of another
Madman, all is pointless and
All is in vain
Without poetry.

الاثنين، 29 أبريل 2019

Letter to Atticus II

In another life I loved you so very deeply
It was unbearable
Your apparition usurped my dreams and
Haunted my wake, you are
So beautiful in
Your sadness.

الخميس، 18 أبريل 2019


It takes courage to change, she
Wreck everything on the way out
Of one's comfort zone.
I don't know who I should
Tell this, but every night before
I surrender to sleep, my shivering bones
Play the bass to the pace of
My muffled breath
"The Egg is the world", he wrought
He who must be born
Must first destroy.
I feel loneliness creep up
My spine as I'm told to conquer
This proverbial Troy
All walls and no Helen.
I wasn't born a winner, perhaps,
Hiding in the shadows of great
I forget that it was always
A woman that made them so.
I didn't ask for great things,
Mi amor, I'm the queen of
Small feats and whimsical
Endevours, that never see the light
You say that you are proud to
Know me, a line straight out of
A Steinbeck's novel, but I'm sorry
It wasn't my intention to shine
Brighter than my lover's eyes,
I'm just too scared of the dark that
I light the half burnt candles i
Between the ashes.
I was fine
Being unnoticed, I was fine
Before love, being light
Trapped inside cracked mirrors
And the crevices of a smiling
Figure of validation
Wasn't the egg snug enough
For a featherless bird to prosper ?
Can't I
Still grow in my own skin ?

الثلاثاء، 9 أبريل 2019

Letter to The Crab X

Last Letter to The Crab

Feb 12th, 2018

One finds belonging in the
Most unexpected of places
This word sprung to my mind
The first time we
Met, and it still weaves poetry in
My head every time we do.
I have no vain inclinations to
Pursue what I cannot keep,
I just wish sometimes that things were
Different for us and I wonder
If you ever wished the same.
You are leaving, too, and I ran
Away to another continent because
I didn't want to say my farewells
I swallowed them, sour as they were,
Rotting on my tongue
I keep making the same mistake,
Trapping more fireflies in my blue
Lanterns when all I wanted was
A few moments of sweet homecoming.
You called me cruel, but knowing that
We are not lasting long, I pushed you
Away just to have a taste of your
How it will demolish me, how long
My days would seem normal before
Collapsing on the weaker side where
Your place has been.
I wonder if you, too, past all the jokes, miss me already
My portrait that you drew, you put
As your header
No caption
No explanations
No last words
An immaculate version of a woman that was
THE reason
A reason.
You are as empty
As I am, deep inside, aren't you ?
You are as lost, and restless
Without a good conversation
And long moments of silence that
Don't stir one's comfort.
We sink, we sank in each
Other's cesspools of darkness and
Never asked questions
Because f** the answers.
Tell me,
If tomorrow day you woke up in a different place
At a different time and space, would you

Would you
Have wished to be a different person?

الأحد، 24 مارس 2019


He conjured half a joint
From a hideout in his
Spare tire, said that's how he
Used to cope with the cold nights and
Lonesome days ,and to
Puff the other way
For he had to drive us back
And my heart laughed because the
Grownup and the kid keep
Arguing like a divorced couple inside 
Of his head
We sung all the anime tracks
We could remember, even those
Older than my time that I watched
On VHS while my mum was in the
Kitchen making Sesame sweets
There was frost on the window panes
The rainbow would wink at me after
A day's streak of rain
I must've waited for years on that 
Musty couch for my brother to
Come back from school, afternoons
Felt like a long dream and only the burn
In my fingers would slap me awake when
I snuck to have some buns before they
Were ripe for the picking
Why did I think of that while
Cooped on the back
Of that truck, humming away the
Last years of my youth, letting go
Of some sighs I had left from my 
Latter disappointments
Why did the stars scintillate with such
Vigor even though they might have
Perished to dust right after
Why does the night sky feel
Both like the end and the beginning so 
Much that one is possessed by such
Despair and avarice twirling in their heart
A serpent devouring all that is bright
It's only in winter that such moments.
Feel infinite and death does not

الجمعة، 8 مارس 2019

Letter to Atticus

There was a poem wriggling
On my tongue ever since you asked me
Why I would want this

I tripped too many a time to walk on
While keeping my head high, it almost feels
Like I'm burdened with the shame of
Unlike you,
Walking briskly through the webs of human
Connections, it's all ones and zeros
Blacks and whites
Rights and wrongs

It's true : I dread change like the plague

And the only moving I ever did was in the
Opposite direction of the wave, towards
My safest abode; my shivering self

But how did you figure me out so quick
When I spent this long cracking the code ?

Hey, do you remember the first time
You called my name? It sounded
So musical, like being cooed to
The right path on a moonless night
I digress a lot while talking to you because
I never know what you make of my silence,
An abundance of revelation seems to me
A lot safer; silence is a trickster, see
It tells everything while not saying much

I know what it's like to have
Too many emotions crowded in one's
Heart to think straight, but it seems
You are constantly trying to get your muddled mind
In order, that you never have the
Time to feel things right
And although your eyes shine with
A faint shade of sorrow, the creases of your face
Mark all the times you cared
Too deeply, scars that never faded, ones
You think make you look older than your time,
As you shave your face clean, trying to shuck
All the disappointments,
Were you trying to warn me from the heaviness that you
Feel now and wish you knew about before
You had your feet dug in too deep in the mud ?
You tell me to be bold when you can't
Heed your own advice, hidden in your
Personal island, nibbling on solitude and Would'ves
You tell me not to get invested when
Worry ate up your waistline,
Sucked at your wan bones
And made you forget how to ask
For help, can't you tell that I'm here because
Of you,
I shed my past life like the dead skin of a
Cocoon and I jumped into the rabbit hole,
For you,
I flew towards the scorching sun, not minding
The wide ocean underneath, for you

I gravitated towards you

Damned as I was, as if a firefly to the flames
To my glory,
For not all flames burn, lover,
Some of them

Make one Ultra.

الثلاثاء، 19 فبراير 2019

Those Who Ride With Giants

The open sea is so much more
Even rosy fingered dawn can't soften
Its wild colour of Beryl
I've been bathing in a pond
My whole life, thinking that it would
Be alright if my feet touched the bottom
A faint beam of light was all I needed to
Remember how to surface from
The shadows
Perhaps I've been wallowing
Knee deep in self laceration, that I
Forgot that the world owes me no
Wings and
No paddles
No shoes
And no saddles
It tastes of salt ,even from the cradle of
Bitterness finds its way into one's mouth
Even when they renounce living for grand things
These waves must be conquered, they say
A ship at the harbor is safe but maybe
That's what I was made for , you know
Painting with the brush of lamentation
What I see
From the shore.

الجمعة، 8 فبراير 2019


I suppose I shall whither if
I ever lived far away from the sea
You think I'm being sentimental, but
You weren't born where the whiffs of
A stale high tide could wake you up
Does it phase you that I cry
Over sombre songs and
Immortal words of dead men?
Perhaps you think I'm soft
In ways you don't try to understand
Soft in ways that tickle your heart, and
Draw you in
Do you wonder why I run away when
I fall out of rhythm instead of pouring
Myself into you? you wouldn't handle it, my love
This bloated abdomen swells with seaweed and
Untold confessions, I run away to the ever snotgreen,
My sworn lover of old age
And I throw away all my rage, my sorrows
Into that scrotumtightening body
Of forgotten things, truths and sins
Its belly heavier than mine with
Albatrosses thrown away out of guilt
It doesn't ask questions, it only listens
Dancing to a rhythm
It draws me in




I listen to the crashing of the
Waves, licking at the white sand of my woes
And it quells down this surge of 
Are you trying to learn how
To make the same sound ?

الثلاثاء، 29 يناير 2019

Of Men and Ice

I see that your past
Disappointment have
Made you prudent
Despite your nature, a bucket
Of soft things and butterscotch
Impressions of a child
She bit into your very soul,
Didn't she
The Woman, and I could see how
She could
You know, fruit pulp,
My past disappointments have
Made me cruel, too, I plucked
All my petals and
Kept the thorns, I guard my
Nectar as I frenchkiss
The passing bees so I could remember
How honey tastes like,
Flowers are too meek,
They can't surrender to the
Seductions of uncertainty
I planted my feet firm
Grinded my own teeth to
Star dust and dubiety
I don't bite, true
But I'll swallow you whole
Spit out the bones and
All the sharp parts.

السبت، 19 يناير 2019

Letter to Her X

She was too colorful for you
Slithering rainbows and wild
A loud summer that
Smelt like a teen spirit, and
Your nose grew used to the
Whiffs of Dormilones,
Obedient and coy
Lo, little boy, step aside
And let the men with
Iron in their marrows
Handle the raging storm
In feminine form, you
Were born too soft
For this. 

السبت، 5 يناير 2019

An Apparition

He didn't walk by
He drifted, like a Bach sonata
Through the crisp air of
A Saturday morning
But it was night
Yes, he drifted by taking the capricious
Form of harmony
Cruel, cruel harmony
The world was a giant machine
That didn't work when it was too cold
He looked, but he didn't see
To him I was one with the world
He drifted in an aura of
Mutual agreement with the
Ugly side of humanness
Leave me alone, beast
And I, you
I looked, and I didn't see
Anything else, my feet took
Me at his heels, man is fast to
Did it sound familiar ?
He is not there, i looked and
Looked, his feet didn't leave
Any prints, man is good at
Not existing
I looked for him in vain
It was too cold for wingless angels
To be this carefree
And tragically beautiful
I looked for him as if I knew him in
A past life, I am not one with the world
Beautiful stranger
Take my hand, please
I looked and looked until
There was no where left but
The dark place, he must be inside
It stuck out like a sore thumb among the tents
In this festival of indifference
Gray walls and dark chambers
As terrible as a grave in
A flower garden
I stood motionless in the track of
Moving apathy, fist clinched
On the last bit of disquiet he
Didn't need
Open the door, please
Let me in, please
I'm not one with the world
I'm also a stranger, my fist hurts
Everywhere, truly
My chest is shrinking, it's too
Heavy to drag this and walk away
I just want to talk, you
You know how to drift through
This mess without stumbling on
Shreds, you must know how to fix
Things without hurting
Yourself, don't you ?

Come out, please

I'm too scared to enter.